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Gen21 Media Management by PT Infotech Solutions
Gen21 Media Management by PT Infotech Solutions

GEN21 Acquisition

GEN21 Acquisition module manages all operational and financial aspects such as Program Purchase, Time efficient and optimized amortization & Payment Schedules, Usage, Stock and Episode information like Synopsis, Target Audience, Usage Restrictions, censorship details, licensing details.

  • Multi-dimensional Acquisition Contract handling
  • Titles, License, Airing Rights, Sharing & Cost Management
  • Multi-dimensional Information on Content
  • Distributor Payment Schedule and Deadlines Alerts
  • Runs/Usage and Revenue Management
  • Amortization Schedule Management
  • Various Operational & Management Reports for Analysis

GEN21 Media Library

GEN21 Media Library streamlines all media activities in library like material circulation and manages the workflow for materials required for production till transmission. GEN21 Media Library handles traditional as well as digital media.

  • Contents and Blanks Media Library Management
  • Receive/Manage Circulation of Programs, Archives, Commercials, Promos
  • Enhance operational efficiency with bulk media handling functionalities
  • Extensive search mechanism to locate material
  • Extensive reporting capabilities to track all history and stock related information
  • Supports traditional as well as digital media

GEN21 Quality Control

This module helps streamline all media activities for quality control. Specifically deals with the tasks related to the quality checking of the media before airing, which mainly consist of Audio/Video Quality Checks, Time Coding, Censorship and Allocation of the Media# or House# to the schedule.

  • Quality monitoring of Technical as well as Content-related aspects of Media
  • Technical QC and Program Cue Sheet deliverables
  • Enforcement of Procedure-based validations
  • Full segmentation, Censorship and Revisions support
  • Scheduling and Airing Info integration

GEN21 Rights

GEN21 RIGHTS is a complete multi dimension rights management for contents. GEN21 Rights management tool enables users to manage the content rights efficiently. This module gives facility to define rights for various platforms and territories.

  • Multi-Dimensional and types of rights management
  • Maximized rights utilization
  • Rights registration as per content owner / distributor
  • Rights, royalty and Payment tracking
  • Rights management for OTT as well as traditional platforms.
  • Integration with DRM platform

GEN21 Media Sales

GEN21 Media Sales module is designed for broadcasters or production house that distribute or sale media to other production houses or broadcasters. GEN21 Media Sales module checks the media rights and availability before generating sales order and invoices. The invoices can be generated based on payment terms defined in the sales contract / quotation

  • Generate quotation based on the available rights and inventory
  • Create sales contract
  • Sales contract approval workflow
  • Register the payment terms for the sales contract
  • Generate invoices based on the payment terms / Material delivery

GEN21 Media Delivery

GEN21 Media Delivery module helps the distributor or production house to track the material to be delivered to the buyer. It generates the delivery schedule ones the sales contract is generated from the system and keep track of the material.

  • Define flexible material delivery schedule
  • Tracking of the material delivered or yet to be delivered
  • Generate alerts close to material delivery date.
  • Track material delivery for invoicing purpose.
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