GEN21 Digital Media helps broadcasters to digitize their assets. The Digital Media Manager is integrated with third party file QC systems to perform QC on the ingested material as well as Transcoding engines for format conversion. The Digital Media Manager handles physical media details and supports the digital workflow of broadcaster right from ingest, File QC, registering metadata details, Media blending, Media transcoding/conversion into desired format, preview, copy and store. GEN21 Digital has well defined secure workflow to access the content.
- Supports complete digital workflow
- Facility to convert analog file into digital from VTR
- Facility to transcode the media into various formats
- Facility to ingest content on server in various formats after conversion
- Integration with file-based QC systems to check the digital file
- Preview ingested files proxy in low resolution
- Facility to view metadata like episode details, run information, rights information, synopsis etc.
- Storage management for the ingested content
- Full integration with GEN21 Suite modules

GEN21 Digital Media system comprises the following modules and workflow
Capture and Convert to digital
GEN21 Digital Workflow helps broadcaster to capture media content and convert the same to digital asset. GEN21 Digital Workflow capture input from VTR, XDCAM, Live feed, SSD and transcode them into desired format. GEN21 Digital Workflow stores the media into broadcast quality (high resolution) as well as preview quality (Low Resolution). Low resolution capture can be used by GEN21 users to preview the content.
File Transcoding Interface
Transcoding is carried out through an interface to selected third party Transcoding engine. GEN21 Digital Workflow is integrated to Transcoding engine to perform the conversions on the fly. The converted files are categorized into various folders like High Resolution, Low Resolution, Thumb Nails, etc
File QC Interface
After capture and transcode GEN21 Digital Workflow helps to check the quality of content. GEN21 Digital Workflow is integrated to file QC systems to perform QC on the fly. The checked file is categorized into various folders like corrected, Quarantine, ok for air, Original, etc based on the QC result.
Metadata Registration
User can input metadata for content using GEN21 Digital Media Manager. GEN21 Digital Workflow metadata input can be stand alone or can be linked / integrated to GEN21 Media or any other content management system using GEN21 APIs.
File and Storage Management
GEN21 Digital Workflow has a utility called data mover for Media file management. This utility enables system search and moves files to appropriate location, so it is available to user for broadcast at any given time. Depending on the usage and requirement it moves files to archive or LTO. As GEN21 Digital Workflow is integrated with GEN21 Broadcast, it checks the schedule and based on schedule it can move the content from online storage to archive and vice versa.
GEN21 Digital Workflow has various reports related to status and location of the content. Reports based on user activities can also be generated from system, as it also records various activities and access usage by users. It also generates graphical report for easy understanding.
Search and Preview
Users can input the contract detail into GEN21 Media and receive material through the GEN21 Library module. The material is ingested into storage via GEN21 Digital Workflow. GEN21 Digital Workflow converts the content into low resolution for users to preview at any time. User can search the required material through GEN21 Digital Workflow and preview Content.
Media Delivery Utility
This Delivery Utility automates the Media Delivery process and delivers the right content to various Social Media, Websites, OTT platforms etc. As required These include popular platforms like Youtube or can be used to deliver content on Broadcaster’s digital properties. This also provides for integration with CDNs.
The security of the content is the top priority for all broadcasters. All the material requests will be submitted to library and only authorized user will have access to storage to copy / download the material.
- Library user will download the content requested as per format at some shared location and access will be given to only the requestor.
- If the format is not immediately available, then it will be transcoded and shared with user.
- GEN21 Digital Workflow will keep track/history of all transactions related to the digital asset like access user, access date, requested transaction etc.