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Infotech will be releasing GEN21 Version 10.6 at this year Broadcast Asia.
The new release includes various updates to the GEN21 functionality as well as new modules

Programmatic Selling: GEN21 Programmatic Selling module provides facility to Broadcaster to sell the inventory of the program based on ratings or popularity. This module provides various parameters that can be set by broadcasters, and system distributes commercial spots as per the rating.

GEN21 for Cinema / Digital signage: Now GEN21 is extending the capability and processes to Cinema and Digital Signage. GEN21 provides simple and quick functionality for Ad placements across multiple screens and locations. This module also provides facility to monitor the commercial placed at multiple screens and location through single window.

GEN21 Ad Server: GEN21 Ad server manages servicing to websites, mobile applications and Non-linear platforms, aligning with GEN21 BMS. GEN21 Ad server integrates with GEN21BMS to run the campaigns and reconciliation as well as invoicing and revenue details to GEN21BMS.

Multi platform Booking: GEN21 extends its strong booking engine to book commercial for multiple platforms like linear ,non linear, radio, digital properties etc.

GEN21 Marketing: GEN21 Marketing allows broadcaster to create various packages like barter, sponsorship, CPRP, loose spots, bundling with other media etc. It also provides facility to define various pricing strategy like paid, bonus, buy 1 get 1 etc to effective combine client requirements.

Rights: GEN21 Media manages rights for media across multiple platform and territories. GEN21 Rights integrated with various other modules of GEN21 to provide seamless workflow.


  • Break patterns adoptable to pass-through channel requirement
  • Graphical reports for Sales performance analysis
  • MAM interface through Webservices
  • Cross channel make good

Feature Details

Revenue comparison in System generated Log vs User defined rules Log

With the help of optimization tool, Gen21 Auto generates the log with pre-defined Algorithm/ Parameters into the system that helps the broadcaster to gain the maximum revenue.

Now it is also possible to Auto-generate the log with user defined checks like Agency/ Client/ Product, Product priority (A1, B1, C1) etc. and can compare the revenue with System generated Log and the log generated with user defined checks.

BXF compliant log

  • Now GEN21 can provide BXF compliant log to automation. This log can be offline in an xml file with bxf format.

Multi Schedule View

  • View schedule for more than one channel in same screen. User can select 3 channels at one time to view.

Natural Repeat

  • Natural repeat facility allows same episode to be aired within 24 hours of the first airing, without reducing the available runs.
  • While amortizing the run system checks for airing date and time and if it is natural repeat no amortization is calculated for same.

New ROS Rate Card and ROS booking

  • Now ROS rate card can be defined for specific day in a selected period. So channel can have different ROS rate for week day and week end.
  • While booking user can define ROS time range manually or can select from drop down.

ROS Promo Schedule

  • Promo booking made simple with ROS booking. This works same like ROS spot booking. Using these module promos can be directly placed in log. Traffic also has ROS promo basket, so all ROS promo sit in this basket and user can book them if required.

Cross channel Make good

  • GEN21 allows make good across channel. If a multi channel PO is received and space for one channel is full then, no need to cancel that spot. This spot can be offered to different channel with similar rate.

Program level

  • Program level is defined to identify whether program is of same price or category. This is used while make good filter. When make good for same channel or cross channel system will filter program with same level. This results in less revenue loss. User can override this filter with authorization.

EPG Import and Export

  • Catalog definition per channel for EPG import. In catalog user can define length of each field formats for date, time, duration etc, as for each channel has different format for EPG. This catalog will be used while importing EPG.
  • Export EPG in various formats like xml, excel, SGI etc.

Pre-defined Break pattern

  • GEN21 has facility to define pre-defined break patterns. These break patterns can be defined for each channel and duration. While importing EPG system uses these break patterns for each program based on channel and duration.

Digital file movement

  • GEN21 has facility to record movement of digital material. As not all users may have access to all digital file, GEN21 can keep track of all the digital material that is being copied.

Lowres clip viewing

  • User can view low resolution clip from anywhere in GEN21. User can view from Scheduling, traffic, masters, library, acquisition etc.

Web service for MAM integration

  • GEN21 has developed web service to provide integration to MAM. GEN21 provides all the metadata required for MAM.
  • It also can capture status of ingest and can provide the list of the files or material required to be ingested to or deleted from system.
  • If required GEN21 import segmentation information directly from MAM.

General features

  • Predefined tax detail for country or region based for tax Calculation, that is defined once and used for all taxable documents.
  • Facility to define AE commission percentage at MO level & generate report on the same.
  • Bulk promo deletion and replacement utility.

GEN21 integrates with Vidcheck, File QC system

  • GEN21 has been integrated to Vidcheck a file based QC system. As a part of digital workflow in GEN21, GEN21 Send the ingested file to Vidcheck for QC process. After QC is done GEN21recives the results from the QC and accordingly push them to separate folders like (Pass /Fail / Ready etc).  the captured result is sent back to GEN21 QC module.


Gen21 What's New 2019

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